Knight Selected for USAF SBIR

Knight Receives United States Air Force Phase I SBIR Award
Interior of Knight’s Aeromedical Module

San Antonio, Texas, November 29, 2021 –Knight Aerospace is proud to announce its recent selection by the United States Air Force for a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I award.

As part of the SBIR award, Knight will work with the Air Force and the Texas Military Department to research additional technological capabilities and enhance the design of its Aeromedical Module (AM).

The AM is an airworthy, roll-on/roll-off, operationally proven, patient care solution. It is designed to provide aeromedical and critical care teams with a hospital-grade working environment; the flexibility to configure, equip, and operate in accordance with mission requirements and available resources; and most importantly, the ability to safely transport and care for patients.

“We couldn’t be more excited about the opportunity to collaborate with our partners and to advance the science and technology associated with the Aeromedical Module. Our ultimate goal is to provide our military and emergency management personnel with the capabilities needed to successfully operate in complex and ever-changing environments,” said Bianca Rhodes, President and CEO of Knight Aerospace.

Knight Aerospace, a small, woman/minority-owned business located in the Port of San Antonio Texas. Knight specializes in the design and manufacture of airworthy, modular, and palletized solutions for military and civilian cargo aircraft.  Over the last 30 years, the company has delivered innovative solutions like the Aeromedical ModuleNext Generation Air Transportable Galley Lavatory (NG-ATGL), and Palletized Seating Solutions to customers in 34 countries. 

Bianca Rhodes, President & CEO
(210) 433-9961

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